Best site ever!

It seems like a lifetime ago, but as the original project manager for the Cliffs End Farm site near Ramsgate in Kent, I'll always regard it as the most exciting archaeological site it's ever been my privilege to be involved in. 

The site had a rich variety of archaeological remains; Bronze Age burials, a round barrow or two and a Saxon burial ground. The highlights for me were the discovery of a flint knapper buried with what appeared to be a 'teaching kit' of flint tools and arrowheads at varying degrees of completeness, and the realisation that our 'quarry pit' was far far more interesting than originally thought. 

Unfortunately, circumstances dictated that I never got to complete the site myself, but still, it rates for me as the best site ever! 

More detail on the site is available here

It's well worth a look if you're not familiar with the site. 

I've moved on now, but as an independent archaeological consultant you still never know what the next project might have in store.

Posted on June 27, 2013 .