Here Comes The Summer

Not just an Undertones song from 1979 (was it really that long ago – hands up if you remember it!) but a reminder of the onset (allegedly) of the summer sun.

A look at recent enquiries and conversations with other planning and heritage professionals suggests that  the old adage of ‘making hay while the sun shines’ would be more appropriately replaced with ‘make electricity while the sun shines’ given the raft of solar array applications at various stages in the planning process across the UK.

Most applications will need a professional heritage consultant to offer advice, provide documentation such as a heritage statement, heritage asset assessment or cultural heritage environmental statement chapter.

At Armour Heritage we specialise in offering professional heritage and archaeology services to the whole planning industry at the most competitive prices with a guaranteed quick turnaround time on any documentation. Currently we’re working on a number of renewable energy schemes with a number of clients, both wind and solar alongside our continuing work in housing and infrastructure projects.

We’re based in Somerset but we work UK wide so why not look us up and see what heritage support we can offer your company.

Posted on May 24, 2013 .